Tree Care Following Purchase
Real Christmas trees require a few important steps to ensure the longevity of your tree through the Holiday season. If you don't set up your tree after cutting, it is best to store your tree outside in a shady location to avoid sun and wind. Keeping your tree wrapped in the netting makes it easier to get the tree into the house when you are ready to set up the tree up.
Steps to follow when you are ready to set up your tree: make a fresh cut at the bottom, and be ready to water your real tree. Real trees will drink a lot of water in the first few days, be prepared to water daily and enjoy the fresh evergreen aroma.
It is critical you watch your tree in the first 48 hours for water intake. A tree can empty the water bowl in less than 4 hours when it is taken into a warm home from the outdoors. Check your water bowl during the first night in the home every 4-6 hours to ensure it has water.
The tree disposal bag will greatly simplify cleanup when it is time to remove the tree from your home following the holidays. Place the tree disposal bag around the trunk of your tree before you set the tree in the tree stand, you will need to tear a hole large enough to be able to water your tree.

This should be a minimum of 1/4 - 2″. This step is critical to allow your tree to drink the most water. The tree should be set up and placed in water as soon as possible, or stored outside in a shady location and out of the wind.
Drilling of holes, or shaving the bark off the tree does not help the tree drink more water. Make sure there is a space between the bottom of the tree and the bowl.

Warm or Hot Water.
Next, after your tree is set up, fill the bowl in the stand full of warm or hot water. This will help open the tree’s pores so that it can start drawing water. It is important to closely monitor the water level in the tree stand, especially during the first 24 hours. Your tree may drink several gallons of water during this time. Don’t let the water go dry! If the water runs dry, the tree’s pores may close up and it may not draw water again unless another fresh cut is made. Keep an eye on it! Continue to watch the water level in the stand and fill as needed. Don’t be alarmed if your tree does not drink a lot of water. Some trees will drink many gallons of water and trees may not. It largely depends on the type of tree, soil moisture in the fields, the temperature and humidity in your home, and individual variation among trees. After the season, be sure to recycle your tree!
Taking all of these steps will start the tree's natural flow of moisture from the water in the stand into the trunk and finally into all of the branches. Remember, a moist and fresh tree is a much safer tree – and it will also last longer and look better as well.

Safety First.
Consider switching to LED lights for safety and energy savings. Accidents and fires around the holidays often start because of tiny strings of colorful light bulbs, candles, or even from the home's fireplace. In order to minimize risk from strings of lights carefully check all the strands of lighting for areas where there may be fraying and exposure from the wiring underneath, also check all the bulb sockets and make sure nothing is out of place. Replace any burnt out bulbs with any spares that you may have lying around. When functioning properly, every bulb on the string of lights should be functioning perfectly. When you retire at the end of the day, or leave the house during the holidays remember to turn off the holiday lights before you leave. It just makes good sense (and saves you money too). If you tend to forget to turn off the lights, place a yellow post it note on the inside of the door you exit through.